To Winter, with….. Love?

Dear Winter…. I love you.  Really, I do.  It’s just that… Well… This year our relationship has become a bit, ehm, complicated.   
Yes, I have been enjoying all you have to offer.  Fat tire snow biking in Vermont.  Cross country skiing.  Snowshoeing. Running.  We have definitely shared some good times. 
Please don’t get me wrong.  I love winter.  I mean, it is some of my faaaaaavorite stuff.  And while I’ve been having a blast playing, my training motivation has apparently gone all snowbird on my ass and hightailed it outta town.  I have been having serious trouble sticking with a day to day routine.  A couple bouts of bronchitis, snowy, icy roads…. Excuses, excuses.  
So, my dear winter… Keep on coming with the white stuff.  But maybe, juuuuuuust maaaaaybe – you could send my motivation, fire, drive, on back down to me. Drop it in the mail.  Ups is great.  Shipping container on a freighter.  Send that shit by raven.  Whatever works.  In the meantime, I’ll keep on bundling up and heading outside.  Next up? Back to the weights and structured workouts to regain my long list strength, stability, and wavering confidence.  This season WILL kick ass.  I just have to kick mine back into gear first.

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